This article has been viewed 158,111 times. There are 17 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. She also teaches at the Boca Raton Museum Art School - formerly at SVA in Manhattan. Renée has even painted a portrait of celebrity, Vanilla Ice. She has garnered numerous awards including “Artist of the Year” from The Bloomfield Art League and First Prize from the Boca Raton Museum Artist’s Guild. Renée is featured in over 68 shows and galleries including a one-woman museum show at the Paterson Museum. She has studied under internationally renowned portrait artists John Howard Sanden, David Leffel, Robert Beverly Hale, Clyde Smith, and Leonid Gervits. Meanwhile, there is no single set of tertiary colors they vary according to the color system they are operated under.
This is why they are also called intermediate colors. With over 50 years of experience, Renée specializes in painting realistically in oil and capturing the soul of the person. On a color wheel, tertiary colors are located in between the primary and secondary colors that they were mixed from. Renée Plevy is an Internationally Acclaimed Portrait Artist from New York/Palm Beach who has painted The Grand Dames of Palm Beach and various celebrities and community leaders. This article was co-authored by Renée Plevy and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson.